Channel: Kristin Ace – Morristown Green
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Podcast: ‘Good Vibrations’ and the 5th chakra


chakra five

Our Fourth of July celebration honors the day our nation won its independence from England. I am sure if we could glimpse even a piece of that day, we would hear the fifth chakra loud and clear in the battle cry and in the victory cry. The National Anthem is the fifth chakra made manifest in a triumphant song~ it is how we sing our truth as a nation.

The fifth chakra ~ the color is sky blue, the element is air ~ is my favorite!  And not only because I communicate for a living.  Leading others by spreading a high vibration with my words and thoughts, whether it be with performing or in my home environment is part of my soul’s purpose here on Earth.  

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It took me a long time to find my way to a Soul Purpose that felt good to live in. And communicating a Higher Truth feels comfortable for me.  That communication is as much about what I send out as what I send in to myself. My teen years where hellish and I received messages on a regular basis of how I wasn’t good enough.  Like anything that is played over and over again, a groove became imprinted in my psyche that put me in a loop of that feeling.  Moving myself out seemed a task that couldn’t be accomplished and then my spiritual journey went into full force and I found my way.

And I believe that because I found my way, it was my Soul Purpose to help others find theirs.  I once told my Mom that the things that have happened to me, have happened for a reason ~ and that reason was to lead others out of the darkness.

The fifth chakra leads us out of the darkness with voice, sound, intention and purpose.  How are you putting forth your energy?  Do you give yourself loving thoughts and messages?  Remember, what you put into yourself is what you echo out into the world.  The more that we give ourselves love and tolerance, justice and peace, the more that vibration will spread outward and before you know it, we will be living As Above, So Below…

We talked about:

Louise Hay

Sonia Choquette ~ True Balance (workbook on chakras)


Kristin Ace

Kristin Ace

Kristin Ace of Morristown is a professional actress, writer, storyteller and healer. She created Good Vibrations with Kristin as an avenue to combine her gifts and talents for uplifting conversations to raise the vibration of the Earth and all that tune in. To learn more about Kristin please visit www.kristinace.com

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