The seventh chakra is your connection to the Divine. This chakra is a deep violet leading into white. Its element is Thought. But funnily enough, you can’t think this chakra into opening.
The way into this magical and Divine world is by Being. This chakra, being the door to the Divine, does not become imbalanced. It will either be open, partially open or closed.
open to your Divinity with this podcast
When I was a teen and into my early 20s, I did not believe in anything like a Higher Power. Life seemed to kick me over and over and if there were such things as Angels and Guides, I certainly did not think that they were with me. I thought that if there were such things, they were for the super religious people.
I felt very much on my own in terms of how to get through life. My crown chakra was, however, not closed. I received information from the Divine all the time, but did not realize what it was. Yet due to the fear that I was living in, my crown chakra was only partially open.
However, when I moved from my parents’ home, I began to experience things that could not be explained away. Premonitory dreams, people talking very clearly to me in my dreams, hunches that were always right and a very loud clear voice of guidance.
I then began to explore the psychic world which lead me on a spiritual journey. That journey lead to the healing and opening of my heart, which in turn, fully opened my crown chakra.
As the heart opens, so does our awareness of the Divine. The Divine is Always with us. My experience is that when I reach out to the Divine, even just a tiny bit, Divinity runs to me full force with more love than I can possibly fathom…xoK
Kristin Ace of Morristown is a professional actress, writer, storyteller and healer. She created Good Vibrations with Kristin as an avenue to combine her gifts and talents for uplifting conversations to raise the vibration of the Earth and all that tune in. To learn more about Kristin please visit