Lauralyn Bunn channels messages from the Masters and Teachers of the Akashic Records.
I can personally attest to the power of a reading with her! And every time I am speaking with Lauralyn, or planning a conversation with her, the American Goldfinch shows up.
The goldfinch is associated with a deepening of perception to the different realms of reality ~ human to faerie, physical to spiritual. So really, it is no coincidence that this bird presents itself because Lauralyn must be utterly open to a different realm to bring forth the Divine message from the Akashic Record.
enjoy a Divine perspective with this podcast
to connect with Lauralyn Bunn for an incredible Akashic Record reading and to learn more about her, please follow the embedded link below or reach out to her via email & phone / / 305.285.3227
The goldfinch also is associated with resurrection. And the goldfinch happens to be how my Guardian Angel shows up to reassure and remind me that I am divinely held.
Resurrection is a big theme in my life. I truly feel that I have been given the gift of rebirth with the opening of my spiritual consciousness. I had always felt that something was missing in my life and that things just didn’t make sense. The world brought me such sorrow and worry. But as I shifted my perspective on what the world holds for me, I have found peace and joy.
Opening our senses and our perceptions to the messages that are literally pouring over us takes a bit of practice. At least, it did for me. Sometimes I get so caught up in my human experience, I forget that this is only one facet of my being!
I am still having my deep human experience, but I have brought in a deep layer of the Divine to all that I do. And while I certainly do not do it perfectly, I do it with my own lightning bolt energy, the energy I came here to share. Lauralyn said it beautifully ~ “You don’t have to be spiritually perfect to do perfect spiritual work.” Amen to that!

Kristin Ace of Morristown is a professional actress, writer, storyteller and healer. She created Good Vibrations with Kristin as an avenue to combine her gifts and talents for uplifting conversations to raise the vibration of the Earth and all that tune in. To learn more about Kristin please visit